Darwin’s Ghosts (Older than Dirt) 40”x40” o/c 2008
The Voice Mansion 108"x60" o/c 2008
The Voice Mansion (detail) 108"x60" o/c 2008
The Old Trail to Ragtown Lullaby o/c 50" x 34" 2006 private collection
Shack of Deals 225”x66” o/c 2001 private collection
Shack of Deals (detail) 225”x66” o/c 2001
The Farm. The Gold. The Winchester. 36" x 36" 2006 collection Canada Council Art Bank
Melody #1 30”x30” o/c 2003
Kidnapped 169” x72” o/c 2005
Impostor 63"x59" o/c 1998 collection Glenbow Museum
Melody #7 60”x47” o/c 2003 private collection
Surrender 124”x 57” o/c 2000 collection Glenbow Museum
Sideshow 80"x 23" o/c 1998 private collection
Speak Memory #3 32" x 24" 2006
Tricks 20"x20" each private collection
Frontier (Automatic) Pavilion wood, plaster , acrylic 9'x5'x3' 1995
Frontier (Automatic) Pavilion (detail)
Station Pavilion (study) wood, plaster, acrylic 1995
Pavilion (interior) - Study #2 wood, plaster, acrylic 1994